How do teens feel about our hyperconnected world? 
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Take My Phone, Please!
College Students on Devices, Anxiety, and Real Connection
February 25, 2020
7:00 PM ET

In the ongoing conversation about smartphones and teen anxiety, there’s often an important voice missing: teens themselves! So in this month’s Action Network Live!, we’re putting adolescents front and center. 

Join us, media professor and Action Network advisory member Joni Siani, and Joni’s students live from Manhattanville College in New York for a conversation about the role of devices in young people’s lives and what it takes to be well in a hyperconnected world. With students’ personal experiences as a jumping off point, we’ll discuss:

  • How Professor Siani got hundreds of college students to go a week without their phones or social media platforms.
  • The emotional and physical changes students felt after their week-long challenge.
  • The most common mental health challenges among college students, and how we can address them.
  • Strategies that actually help teens change their digital habits. 
  • How to approach device and screen time issues with young people collaboratively, instead of imposing top-down rules.

Whether you’re dealing with some device anxiety yourself, or you’re a parent or teacher who wants to help young people navigate the challenges of a digital social world, this fun and engaging conversation will be extremely helpful! 

Register now, invite a friend, and we’ll chat together on February 25 at 7PM!

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